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St Joseph's Primary School, Crossgar

Whole School Healthy Snack Incentive - PTA

19th Jun 2023

This morning, our children were treated to a range of delicious, healthy snack items.

Children tried lots of different things including cucumber, peppers, pear, sharon fruit, peaches, mango, pineapple, melon, blackberries, blueberries, strawberries and many other types of fruit. They were also given some Veda bread and breadsticks to accompany their snack. Each child was offered milk (dairy and alternative were available) or water to drink.

It was fantastic to see children try so many new things and to take an interest in the foods they were eating. The children in key stage 2 commented that they liked that everyone had the same thing and nobody felt left out.

This morning was funded by our lovely PTA from our ADSA communities grant for sustainable health in the community.