P7 Mr Miskelly
Hello and welcome to Primary 7 in St Joseph's!
We're a busy bunch. This half-term we are learning about big numbers up to 1 million and shape in numeracy. In literacy we are getting better at recount writing. We are also learning about Bridges in World Around Us!
In other areas we are focusing on GAA and athletics for PE, and getting fitter doing the Daily Mile three times a week. We have been discussing resilience and have recently created mottos to help us bounce back from setbacks.
We will cover a variety of writing styles as shown below:
Sept/Oct |
Nov/Dec |
Jan/Feb |
March/April |
April/May |
May/June |
Recount |
Narrative |
Explanation | Report | Persuasive | Procedure |
These will tie in with our topics for the year.
Latest Photographs
St Joseph's Primary School, 4 Ballynahinch Rd, Crossgar, Downpatrick BT30 9HS Phone:028 4483 0810