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St Joseph's Primary School, Crossgar


19th Sep 2024
Primary 3 have been busy bees learning all about our topic of “The Great Outdoors.”...
19th Sep 2024
St Joseph's are trying to purchase a new school sport's kit to wear when competing...
18th Sep 2024
Primary 3 were very busy with lots of practical phonics activities. It was lots...
18th Sep 2024
Primary 1 & 2 have been taking full advantage of our lovely September weather...
16th Sep 2024
Primary 6 really enjoyed playing different games with Coach James in PE today
16th Sep 2024
Last week, our star pupil in p6 was awarded for working really hard during maths!...
13th Sep 2024
Awarded for always showing a positive attitude during P.E. and having a go at everything,...
13th Sep 2024
Our pupil of the week today in p1/p2 for always working really hard with a lovely...
11th Sep 2024
Look at the amazing photo frames the children made today in after-school club!
11th Sep 2024
Happy 40th birthday Mr Miskelly! We hope you have a lovely day!