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St Joseph's Primary School, Crossgar
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Anti - bullying week in P2

20th Nov 2020

We had so much fun this week in P2! On Monday, it was Odd Socks Day. We talked about how it was ok to be different and have different hobbies and interests to our friends. We discussed showing "Kindness" as this is our School focus for Health and Wellbeing. We read a really great story called "Have You Filled a Bucket Today?" It was all about how being kind fills other people's invisible buckets and helps to fill our buckets too because being kind feels good! We made our own "Bucket Filling" hats and our very own buckets! Every time we were "caught" being kind by a teacher or a friend, we filled our bucket with fluffy pom poms. Some were nearly overflowing!

P2 is full of "bucket-filling" children. Have you filled a bucket today?