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St Joseph's Primary School, Crossgar
St Joseph's Primary School Open day Tuesday 3 December at 1:30pm. We welcome you to come and visit our school in action and meet our wonderful children and staff. Alternative times can be arranged by contacting the school.
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Exploring Materials

26th Jan 2018

P3&4 have been finding out lots of information about different kinds of weather for our topic. We have decided that the most frequent type of weather in Ireland is rain. An umbrella is a very sensible thing to have when you're from Ireland, so we wondered which type of material would be best to make an umbrella. We thought about the qualities the material would need to have and decided that it must be WATERPROOF. We tested lots of materials (cardboard, tissue, paper towel, fabric, plastic) to find which one was the most waterproof. Can you guess which material we chose?