First Communion 2012
A very sincere thank you to everyone who contributed in any way to the ceremony of First Communion on Saturday. It was a beautiful mass, the children sang and read extremely well in P4 and the choir were in top form singing each song really sweetly. Well done boys, girls Mrs Forster and Dr Ellis. A special word of thanks to Miss Flanagan who prepared the children so well, they were confident, relaxed and professional in every aspect of the mass. Thank you also to Fr Henry for putting the children at ease and guiding them in their practises and on the big day.
A big thank you also goes to all the parents who contributed pastries for the refreshments back in the school. A good crowd came back and enjoyed the lovely spread. Also, thank you must go to the parents for bringing their children to the mass, Mrs Marcelle Orsi for her reading and Mrs Alana Bell for the calligraphy on the certificates. Thank you also goes to all the staff who gave up their afternoon to serve the tea, coffee and refreshments. It would not have been possible without everyone’s help.
St Joseph's Primary School, 4 Ballynahinch Rd, Crossgar, Downpatrick BT30 9HS Phone:028 4483 0810