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St Joseph's Primary School, Crossgar

Good luck to St Colmcille's High School!

13th Jun 2024

Some of the Year 8 pupils, including many of our wonderful past pupils, have a chance to win a national film award and we would like to ask your help in achieving this.

The link below is to the Into Film Facebook page. One of their Year 8 classes, (11 and 12 year old pupils) has been selected for the finals of a National Award in London. The People’s Choice Award goes on Likes and Shares on the Into Film Facebook Page and on Likes and Save on the Into Film Instagram Page.

We would love it if staff, pupils and families would support these children by voting.  Voting finishes this Friday 14th June at 3pm.

For Facebook votes – Please follow the link below but you must hit like and share.

Instagram votes – Please follow the link below but you must hit like and save.

Your support is much appreciated.  We hope you will share in our success.