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St Joseph's Primary School, Crossgar
St Joseph's Primary School Open day Tuesday 3 December at 1:30pm. If you missed our open day please do not hesitate to call us and we can arrange a time for you to visit. 
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PTA Tombola

21st May 2024
A big thank you to our PTA who are organising a fun tombola event for our school community on Friday 7 June at 2pm. Everyone is welcome to come along. We are reaching out to ask for any donations for prizes that people may be able to offer us. Items such as toiletries, perfume, toys, sweets, games, bottles, food or other new items would be greatly appreciated. We are hosting a non-uniform day on Friday 31 May and in return we ask for each child to donate an item, big or small, for the tombola. Thank you so much for your support and we know the children will enjoy this fun event. A massive thank you to our PTA who have just contributed £580 to our school for outdoor learning resources.