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St Joseph's Primary School, Crossgar
If you missed our open day please do not hesitate to call us and we can arrange a time for you to visit.
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Welcome back

23rd Apr 2020

I just want to welcome back everyone and hope you have all had an enjoyable and safe Easter at home. Thankfully we had some beautiful sunny weather which added to some relaxation time. Boys and girls I hope you all enjoyed your Easter eggs. I know in my house they are all gone!

I want to draw your attention to a couple of documents including an app to keep your child safe whilst at home. I hope this will be a useful resource for you. I just want to thank you once again for your continued support and effort you are giving to your children during this very unusual time and hope that home learning is working for you as best as can be expected. I have been very impressed at how well everyone has engaged on Google Classroom and to those who are working hard on packs to ensure continued learning. Every family's circumstances are different so it is important to communicate with your child's class teacher if you have any questions or concerns so we can endeavour to help you manage the situation and resolve any difficulties you may have.

We obviously do not know how long this situation will go on for but we hope and pray you will all be safe. We will keep in touch with any updates we are given in the meantime.

Take care for now.

S McArdle