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St Joseph's Primary School, Crossgar
St Joseph's Primary School Open day Tuesday 3 December at 1:30pm. If you missed our open day please do not hesitate to call us and we can arrange a time for you to visit. 
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Well-being Packs for everyone - Warm, Well and Connected Programme

18th Apr 2021

On Friday, the staff were delighted to present the children with a well-being pack filled with amazing art supplies. This pack was to say THANK YOU to the children for their efforts over this very challenging year.

They have made a huge effort during school lockdowns and followed our in-school efforts to keep everyone safe with distancing, hygiene and maintaining their bubbles.

We, as staff, are so proud of you all and to be a part of the St Joseph’s community.

The Warm, Well and Connected Programme is managed by CDRCN (County Down Rural Community Network) and funded by DfC and DAERA. 
