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St Joseph's Primary School, Crossgar
St Joseph's Primary School Open day Tuesday 3 December at 1:30pm. If you missed our open day please do not hesitate to call us and we can arrange a time for you to visit. 
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World Book Day Celebrations in Primary 4

7th Mar 2024
Well done to all of our Primary 4 children and your families for all of your efforts in putting together these fabulous costumes for World Book Day!
Everyone looks fantastic! We really appreciate all of the hard work it takes at home to be World Book Day ready!

Primary 4 had a lovely morning in assembly, celebrating the wonderful costumes throughout the school. 
We spent some time learning new skills on Reading Eggs and learned how to access the reading eggs library where we can read 100s of books about every topic we can think of!

After break we spent some time with Primary 6 enjoying some shared reading. We showed them the books we had brought to school which displayed our characters and the Primary 6 children shared their books with us too and read to us.

We went outside with Miss Colhoun and Primary 6 and played some literacy games using footballs and basketballs!

After lunch we were library detectives and investigated the books in our classroom!

Our current writing genre is report writing. One of the features of a good report is pictures with captions. This afternoon, we spent some time creating captions to add to our display board, to describe the pictures from last week's trip to the Saint Patrick Centre in Downpatrick.