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St Joseph's Primary School, Crossgar

News - P5 Mrs Slagter

2017/2018 School Year

2nd May 2018
P6/7 have returned home safely after a fantastic residential trip. We headed off...
29th Mar 2018
Congratulations to P5/6 who recently finished 2nd in the Sumdog Maths Competition...
26th Mar 2018
Today Donal from Sentinus visited P5, 6 and 7 to deliver a presentation entitled...
9th Mar 2018
We are having a fantastic day celebrating our love of books. A huge thanks to all...
13th Oct 2017
P5/6 have been learning about bar charts and surveys, alongside our topic of 'The...
5th Oct 2017
We are learning about probability in P5/6. What is the likelihood of rain tomorrow?...
5th Oct 2017
Every Thursday we have the opportunity to visit the school library . Don't...